
Huckabee's Monologue

November 16, 2024

So Tuesday of this week, I’m working away with my dogs at my side when my phone rings. I didn’t recognize the number, but I somehow just felt I should answer it. I had no idea that call was about to turn my life upside down. On the other end of the line was President Trump. He’s not one to engage in a lot of small talk and he got right down to business. “Mike, I want you to be Ambassador to Israel. You know the country and the people and the Middle East, and I want you to be there.” I had not lobbied for or asked him for the job. But others suggested it and he thought it was the right thing. I really didn’t have time to think about all it would do to change my life, but it was the only appointment I would have had an interest in. And not because I needed a job. I have a bunch of them already. Hosting this show; Hosting a daily show on TBN; Serving on several corporate and non-profit boards; Owning a travel company, several radio stations; traveling constantly to make speeches; consulting in some business enterprises in 3 countries; publishing a daily newsletter; and writing books. I have plenty to do. And I will take a dramatic pay cut to do it, but this was not about getting a title or a federal paycheck. It was about the opportunity to play a strategic role in the safety and security of Israel and for the Jewish people, and hoping to help expand President Trump’s historic Abraham Accords passed in his first term and securing a lasting stability and peace for the Middle East. 

It's deeply personal. My first trip to Israel was in July of 1973. I was 17 and a month away from my 18th birthday. It was less than 3 months from what we would come to know as the Yom Kippur War, although I had no idea that was about to happen. In 1981, I started taking groups of people to Israel and over the years have personally taken 10’s of thousands of people to visit the land of the Bible. I lost track of how many times I have been there, but the number must be approaching or exceeding 100. I’ve been from Dan to Beersheba. I’ve known Prime Minister Netanyahu for 30 years and know many of the cabinet members and members of the Knessett. I have deep convictions about the underlying challenges faced by this tiny land which is the size of New Jersey and is surrounded by mortal enemies. I have been there in times of great peace and in times of war and uprisings. Because I unapologetically believe the Bible, I take seriously Genesis 12 that reminds us that God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. I’ve long believed that the conflicts of the Middle East are not really geo-political, economic, or social, but rather spiritual. After October 7 and the horrific antisemitic attacks on our Jewish friends, I’ve become more determined than ever to stand with Israel and the Jewish people as they are targeted for attacks and annihilation. 

You probably have many questions. I sure do. I am asked, “Will you have to leave the show? Will you live in Israel? When will this all happen? And many more questions. And the honest answer to all of them is, “I don’t know.” For Janet and me, this is a journey of pure faith. I have no idea if the Senate will confirm me, although with the Republicans in clear control, that should happen. After that, I would be required to move to Israel to begin my service to my country and to my President.

I’m starting a path I’ve never been on before, but you will be traveling that path with me for the next few weeks. But I do ask that you pray not just for Janet and me, but more importantly that you pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 

One thing is certain, I may never pick up the phone again from a number I don’t recognize!

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